There are lots of little jobs that need taking care of on the day of a paddle. Please try to get involved to the best of your ability. We need one volunteer to look after the shed before and after the paddling, and everyone else to help with getting the boat ready.

The Boat

  • Whoever gets there first starts to empty any collected water in the boat cover. There are jugs to do this with.
  • Next we take off the boat cover, roll it up and store nearby.
  • The next steps need at least 10 people to lift and move the boat to the lakeside. The sequence is as follows:
    • Middle tyres come out from under the boat
    • The ‘dolly’ (a frame on wheels that enables us to move the boat) is rolled up underneath from one end of the boat to the middle.
    • Once the dolly is in place about 10 + people are needed to move the boat from its mooring space to the lake launch. Two people – one at each end of the boat take responsibility for steering the boat on its way to the launch point.
  • Once we come off the water, we reverse the journey with the boat back to the mooring spot. The dolly is moved to one end, and the tyres go back in under the boat. The tarpaulin is placed back on the boat and secured tightly with the ropes provided.

This is an important part of the process and many hands make light work.

The Shed

  • We have storage space in the left hand Boat shed where we store Buoyancy Aids (there are three sizes, people usually know what size they need) and paddles.
  • The helm will encourage people to indicate if they are right or left-handed and draw up a boat plan.
  • Get out the steering arm (and drum if being used).
  • On return from the lake paddles need to be taken in and stored in their white fabric bags.
  • The steering arm is stored on the boat, the drum and seat are stored back in the shed.

The paddlers

  • Stow anything valuable in your car or in the waterproof hold-all on the boat.
  • There is a warm up before we go on the water – take part and if you want to lead this there are instructions provided.
  • Collect a paddle.
  • Check where you have been allocated a seat.
  • There is a cool down after paddling – again we are always looking for volunteers to lead this.

The lake and weather

Paddling all depends on the water conditions and of course the weather (strong wind is our enemy!) Using the apps listed below a small group check the indications in the days leading up to a paddle and make decisions together via a weather WhatsApp group. If this interests you then let Anne Marie know and they will join you up to be part of that activity.


EA river boards

Other river conditions